
Rebeca made her directorial debut in 2018 with Atlanta Theatre Club’s production of Dry Land by Ruby Rae Spiegel, which she also produced. Rebeca went on to direct George Brant’s Grounded, which garnered a Suzi Bass Recommendation and was named one of the best productions of 2019 by ArtsATL. After directing a series of short plays in The One Minute Play Festival at Actor’s Express (Atlanta) and The Fast Play Fest at The Barrow Group (NYC), Rebeca assistant directed the World Premiere of Scott Organ’s 17 Minutes at The Barrow Group (Off-Broadway) under director Seth Barrish (Broadway’s The New One).

Most recently, Rebeca directed Liza Birkenmeier’s Dr. Ride’s American Beach House at Yale Cabaret, and assistant directed Heidi Schreck’s Grand Concourse at Yale School of Drama under director Joan MacIntosh.

“Directed by Rebeca Robles, Grounded never offers any easy answers about drone technology or the nature of warfare, but the small, one-woman show nonetheless delivers a powerful punch and feels uncomfortably believable....”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“Director Rebeca Robles…keeps us engaged by keeping Moors active. She establishes clear areas for home and work, with a careful pile of desert sand separating the two.”
Arts ATL

BEST OF 2019!
“the Robles-directed one-woman drama Grounded… featured a shattering performance by Courtney Moors in a minimalist staging that only made the drama more visceral.” 

“Director Rebeca Robles zeroes in on the wildly shifting emotional microcosms of the girls’ interactions; the production is especially adept at capturing the way any encounter between adolescents can be, by turns, cruel, scary, comforting, funny, devastating.”
Arts ATL